STEM Education: A Critical Component We May Be Missing

Our technology-focused world has changed the way we live. It has altered the way we connect with others, learn, and work.

In this ever-changing, high-tech society, information is the most valuable resource. Thus, elementary and high school curriculums have shifted their focus from traditional subjects. Instead, they focus more on science, technology, engineering, and math.

The Importance of STEM Education Is Growing, But We Shouldn’t Forget about the Humanities

STEM education is undeniably important. Yet, subjects like literature, languages, history, and art are in danger of being reduced. The aim of it is to make room for more STEM content in many schools across the country.

However, in many tech companies today, developers and engineers only make up 15-25% of the workforce. The rest of the positions belongs to the Humanities majors. As a matter of fact, almost 60% of the U.S. CEOs have degrees in the Humanities. 

Based on scientific predictions, crucial jobs of the future will require roles that combine science and arts. We already see the trend in the present. 

In the world of modern technologies, it is not what you know that matters, but how you think

Are you ready to learn new skills and try new things?

Do you know what questions to ask and how to solve a problem?

Do you know what the problem is?

What Is STADH and Why Should We Consider It?

Is STADH* (stands for science, technology, arts, design, and humanities).

STADH teaches us how to think critically and how to be intuitive and creative. Furthermore, Humanities teach us how to see the world as other people do. They enable us to discuss, negotiate, and persuade.

A growing number of new positions within the topnotch companies suggest that the Humanities are equally important as STEM education

While the sciences teach us how to build the things, it’s the Humanities that teach us what to build and why to build them. Purposely unstructured, the Humanities give us the context of our world. 

So, should STADH (science, technology, arts, design, and the humanities) replace STEM education in schools nationwide

Why We Need the Humanities to Give Context to the Technology

It’s almost certain that the diversity of the future workforce will guarantee its success. That will include the diversity of backgrounds, skills, and personalities.

Technology is getting easier and more accessible today. For example, liberal art majors can successfully learn tech nuts and bolts. Meanwhile, engineers can understand human relationships. Sales representatives benefit from understanding human nature. And language majors can learn to approach things scientifically

The modern technologies today allow the workforce to study whatever they want. As a result, finding ways to expand their thinking may be more important than choosing a field of study.

In fast developing industries, the ability to investigate problems from different backgrounds and standpoints, offer creative solutions, and think critically seems to be the greatest asset

According to experts, if we want to tackle today’s biggest technological and social challenges successfully, we need to think critically about their human context. Thus, interception of the “soft” disciplines such as arts, design, and humanities with technology is vital too. It can help solve current and future challenges and spark innovation. 

It is, therefore, essential to include disciplines like arts, design, and humanities into the education of our future generations of innovators

The Importance of STADH Education 

Through careful use of digital media, students can examine complex themes of philosophy, history, anthropology, or art through an original, interdisciplinary approach

Many teachers already successfully merge the Humanities and STEM education in their classrooms. Artificial intelligence and coding enable students to deepen their knowledge. It also helps them to develop critical thinking, boost empathy, and understand human nature. It’s done through a series of games, illustrative 3D models, and virtual reality. 

STADH education brings many benefits to the learning process. Among them is creativity, a better understanding of human nature, empathy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills

In our technology-focused world, the Humanities provide perspective. They allow us to see the world from different viewpoints. At the same time, they enable us to examine and understand facts critically

1. The Humanities Help Us to Learn Positive Communication Skills 

The Humanities help us to develop ethical responsibilities and values. They help us to understand the impact that science, technology, and medicine have had on humanity

Thus, the Humanities should be an essential part of education. It must begin in elementary school and continue into higher education.

2. Human Sciences Increase Our Awareness of Other People’s Feelings and Needs 

The Humanities teach us empathy. They also help us build the ability to see the world from other people’s standpoint.

Thus, they help us to better understand other people’s feelings, experiences, and needs. Because of that, they help us promote equality and social justice, as well as challenge our own beliefs

3. The Humanities Boost Critical Thinking 

They teach us how to be skeptical when considering scientific evidence, how to identify and summarize the problems, present our standpoint, and understand different views

4. The Humanities Enhance Creativity

STADH introduces learners to a variety of both practical and intellectual skills. They teach us to think innovatively, ask questions, and examine human nature. 

Furthermore, it enables students to develop independence and confidence in learning and thinking. Moving from STEM to STADH promotes creativity and diversity.

In Conclusion

STADH introduces learners to a variety of both practical and intellectual skills. From music, arts, and literature, to anthropology, psychology, history, and philosophy.

The Humanities can help students to understand the world around them. Thus, they need to be integrated into the learning process from elementary school and throughout life.

Only by combining STEM subjects and the Humanities the new generations of students will be able to learn, work and develop in the ever-changing, tech-focused world

* “STADH – science, technology, arts, design, and the humanities”. This is not an acronym that is being used in the industry. I created it myself to stress the importance of the interception of other disciplines with STEM education.